Mantra yoga is one of the types of yoga, a more mind related, spiritual yoga.
Mantra yoga is the least complex of the types of yoga because it does not involve any strenuous yoga poses or any other complicated practices.
Mantra is said to be very effective with prolonged practice as the sounds of mantra can awaken the chakras and the serpent power, the kundalini.
What is mantra? What is mantra yoga?
Mantra is a sanskrit language word which means a powerful, sacred word, phrase or syllables.Mantra comes from a Sanskrit word mantrana which means suggestion or advice. Each and every word is a mantra as our mind responds to it as soon as we hear it.
Word mantra is related to manas, a sanskrit word for mind. Mantra is sound and it may be the sound of silence.
You know sometimes you may be repeating a word or a phrase or a song in your mind silently the whole day or for days together. That becomes your mantra for that duration.
These silent mantras affect your life.
Words form language. Our daily life is possible because of words. That is how we carry out most our activities. Every word has a power, a force and it produces its own reaction.
We all know the power of words that we utter or hear someone say. When we understand the words it may have a positive or negative effect on our body and mind.
Even when we do not understand the meaning of the words we hear, the sound, the tone and volume affect us.
So, choosing a positive mantra is possible and desirable.
Bija - Beeja Mantra - Sound of Om
It is believed that this world came into existence with a sound Om. The vibration of this sound started everything. This vibration still exists and continues.Om is called the bija(seed) mantra. Though the word mantra is related to Hindu religion, it is not limited to it. Mantras have been used in the native cultures all around the world since thousands of years.
What can Mantra do for you?
Mantra connects to spirituality as well. The sound vibrations produced by the repetition of mantra have the power to give you spiritual experiences.Mantra yoga means to unite with the supreme power making use of the mantra as a tool, method or way.
Mantra can alter one’s life experience There are many mantras for different purposes.
How and when is Mantra used?
Yoga mantra is also repeated while doing the yogasanas – yoga poses.Mantra may also be used to improve our life in many ways; to improve health, financial situation, relationships etc. Om mantra, Gayatri Mantra etc.
You may say a mantra loudly or internally-silently. In both ways it is effective.Count or not to count, use a mala (beads) or a rosary or choose not to use anything while repeating mantra.
You may recite a mantra or listen to it.
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